

Legal separation in Illinois is a formal, court-approved process allowing spouses to remain technically married while they lead separate lives. The arrangement is flexible enough for provisions regarding spousal support, child custody, and other obligations.
Major child custody issues for LGBTQ families in Glencoe and the rest of Illinois include a lack of legal parental rights, a bias in favor of biological ties, and child support or financial responsibilities. For
How does the court handle domestic violence issues in family law cases? Courts in Glencoe and elsewhere in Illinois can leverage measures such as protective orders, depending on the situation. Legal representation can help convey
Illinois does not recognize common law marriages that people may try to form in the state, but it honors common law marriages from states that allow such formation. The distinction is important, since it can
How is spousal support calculated? Factors such as each spouse’s income, financial need, age, and health contribute to how spousal support is calculated in Illinois. Courts usually start with this basic alimony formula: (33% of
You may get alimony in Illinois, depending on factors such as your income, needs, and earning capacity, and those of your spouse. The length of your marriage in Glencoe can be a major variable in
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